Tarot card reading is a mystical experience to say the least. The tarot card reader spreads out a set of more than 70 cards before you asking you to choose pick a single card. During the process the reader may seem to be communicating with occult powers and forces which can be an unnerving experience for the first time customer.
Based on your choice, which is supposed to be an unconscious and guided by the forces that influence your future, the tarot card reader would proceed to guide you on your decisions or actions.
As such, till recently, the official administration of Dubai was not very comfortable with clairvoyants, fortune tellers and tarot card readers in Dubai, as they conflicted with some of the tenets of the Islamic faith, which is the official faith of the city state, as well as all of its neighbours. Thus most such activities could not be carried out in public but had to be done away from the eyes of the establishment.

But the city has seen the infusion of people from all over the world, all bringing with them their different faiths, beliefs and practises. And the government could not restrict their beliefs for long, no matter how different they maybe from the official state religion. After all it needed the extra man power to maintain and power its various industries and businesses to drive forward the economy.
Thus in recent times the government has shown a bit of flexibility in the matter allowing fortune tellers, mystics and tarot readers in Dubai to come out of the closet and practice in the open. This has led to sudden spurt in the number of such practitioners, including Tanya Tarot, the best tarot reader in the area.
This can be seen by the number of websites, which offer the services of tarot readers, which has come up in the recent past, for instance tanyatarot.com.
One source also mentioned that tarot card reading in Dubai is done in a very bookish manner. Meaning the readers usually follow a pre-set list of predictions for every card drawn from the pack. But we at Tanya Tarot offer genuine predictions and advice which is sure to change the direction of your life for the better.
Interest has grown to such an extent that people are shopping for tarot cards themselves, either to practice in the privacy of their homes or to set up their own businesses. Most of the famous malls in Dubai have started retailing such merchandise. But you need not take all that trouble; just visit us at Tanya Tarot to get a holistic picture of your future.
Another avenue being explored by the tarot readers in Dubai is the training or certificate courses in the art and technique of Tarot card reading. These too can be found online, most being restricted to a couple of weeks. These classes can be tried out at Tanya Tarot also.