New Dimensions Of Shri Jalaram Bapa Katha On Cruise

Shree Jalaram Bapa Katha on Cruise

Shri Jalaram Bapa

Shree Jalaram Bapa  Katha on CruiseVirpur village has become holy since the birth of Shri Jalaram Bapa. By now, it is famous all over the world because of the events that have taken place in the lives of Shri Jalaram Bapa. Moreover the people all over this world come here to visit this native homeland of Shri Jalaram Bapa and to catch a glimpse of the “JHOLI”, the “DANDA” gifted by God to the Virbai Maa and Hanumanji’s Idol. The people of this small village still feel Bapa near them, also if anyone tries to feel him with a pure heart then will also be able to feel Bapa. Bapa kindly offers his blessings and fulfills wishes of the all the people. Such experiences are popularly known as “Parchas”. The main attraction of the village is Bapa’s portrait and the picture taken a year before his death.

Shree Jalaram Bapa Katha

Shree Jalaram Katha over years has been the attraction of people, all over the world.

Cruise Highlights-

The highlights of the Shree Jalaram Bapa Katha on Cruise are as follows- Shree Jalaram Bapa Katha by Ramnik Bhai Sashtri, a week on the cruise on a full board basis, economy Class Flight and Venice sightseeing.

Tour Guide-

  • The first two days are for landing in Venice and relaxing by the sea during the daytime and on board during the night. The following day can be spent at Corfu which offers a wonderful holiday ingredient with a blend of culture to the sunlight and sea waves. The historical importance of Corfu embedded in the Roman ruins and Venetian fortresses are not to be ignored.
  • The visit to the picturesque Santorini, the lost city on the Atlantis, Greece is however optional. The next visit is to Mykonos, Greece, one of those most glamorous islands, offering the perfect island life with endless beaches and harbors.
  • The ultimate visit is to Katakolon, the gateway to Olympia was where the Greek Mythology was born. Travelling through this town is as exciting as ever.
  • The last few days are meant to relax and catch a flight back with vivid memories of excursions and nights on board.
  • The tour gives you an opportunity to tour the beloved city of Venice and the much desired Greece. However, one can always stay back, the visits are NOT mandatory.

Online Service – With the advent of online services you can now easily surf on the web and gather further information that you need on Shree Jalaram Bapa Katha in Venice and also Shree Jalaram Bapa Katha in Greece.

One can easily check the packages, the inclusion and exclusion of the prices, and confirm them. Prices vary, however depending on the number of people, depending on the cabins, that is inside cabin, outside cabin and balcony cabin.